Thursday, January 3, 2008

Expectations for the New Year

Welcome to 2008! I hope all of you were able to relax during your break. Looking into the last half of the year, I'd like you to take some time and tell me what you'd like to do. There are certain things we need to do, (To Kill A Mockingbird, Hamlet, and poetry) but how we will do these things and the activities we do will depend on your feedback. Post a comment telling me what activities and ideas you would like to do for the remainder of the year. Remember, be as specific as possible--the more specific you are, the better the chance we can do the activities.


Unknown said...

I think we should read silently. I learn more when we read in silent. WE could also act a couple scenes out .

Unknown said...

i think that we should make an i movie about hamlet or something else

Unknown said...

lets make an imovie on hamlet when we're done reading it

Unknown said...

Well, If we are going to work with Hamlet then I do NOT think we should act it out. This would make mean that only one person would be acting really, seeing that Hamlet has 90% of the lines. Other then that I do like the story....

Oh and "lets make an I-movie"

Unknown said...

I think that we should do more partner work. For posters or maybe after we finish the Shakespeare play, we should do a sound track to parts of it. And powerpoints are always pretty good too.

Unknown said...

For the rest of the year we could act out the poetry. Also we could make a poster or an imovie for the book hamlet, or even act out some scenes.

Seth McDonald said...

I think we should read aloud. Act out Hamlet.

Unknown said...

I think we should work in groups. In the groups we should do projects on the computer.

courtney said...

For the rest of the year I think we should act out some of the scenes from Hamlet, but not all of them, and then make a poster for it also. When we do poetry I think we should just read it either as a group or individually and if we are reading it individually we could do a blog on what we read and what we thought the meaning of it was or what our opinion on it was.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

we should act out and make i movie

Unknown said...

We should work in groups more this half of the nine weeks. By doing activities or projects that helps us learn about the material that we are going to learn instead of reading it the whole time. We could do some research on the Hamlet the play or something like that to get some background information.

Unknown said...

I think we should watch movies after read something. It s help to understand the story.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think we should do any acting in this class. I'd rather just read and have you come up with some projects for us to do.

Anonymous said...

I want to do more partner work. Like after we do plays and read books. More group activities.

Andrew Kinzer

Anonymous said...

i think we should make and imovie or make a poster about hamlet after we're done reading it


Unknown said...

I think we should read out loud or act hamlet.

Anonymous said...

I want to do more partner work. Like after we do plays and read books. More group activities.

Andrew Kinzer

Anonymous said...

I think we should work in partners or groups more often. For Hamlet we should make posters or an I movie.

Anonymous said...

i think we should do a project on hamlet. matt defibaugh

Anonymous said...

We should work together in groups on the computers and make an I movie on Hamlet when we read the book.
Codie Foor

Anonymous said...

i think we would do an i movie for one of the things we have to do

Anonymous said...

I want to do more partner work. Like after we do plays and read books. More group activities.

Andrew Kinzer

Josephtimko said...

We should do more group work and work with the computers this half of the year.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should work more in groups more often. Act out scenes in hamlet or read in groups.

Katie Warren

Anonymous said...

i think we would do an i movie for one of the things we have to do zach maust

Trey said...

i think we should act out hamlet it makes it less boring and possibly an imovie

Unknown said...

If we were to make a i-movie or anything close to that then whats the point because if hamlet supposely has 90% of the lines..then that would make no sence if only one person would be doing most the whole movie...we could do that i-movies and stuff but that might just be a idea!..more group work would be good but independant might be good as well. doing group projects with the i-movies and poster and things i believe is a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I think we should do more group work with projects and watch movies.

Anonymous said...

Last year we read the book Lovely Bones and went into groups to discuss it. In our groups we all had roles to play. Someone would pick out the difficult parts and write down quesions they had about it. Then we discussed it. Another person would pick out literary terms. And so on, coinciding with the units we were doing. Then all together we did a group poem about the section we read.

Anonymous said...

i think we should do more stuff like the poster. I liked that because it was fun and we worked in teams.

Anonymous said...

I think we should do more group work and projects and watch movies. Yo can chose when we do them.4

Anonymous said...

I think we should read hamlet and the other books in groups and i also thik we should watch morre movies.

Anonymous said...

I think for this semester we should do more class project kinda things. We could do like a poster or something for Hamlet or to kill a bird. Fun projects and cool stuff

Anonymous said...

I think that we should watch more movies and have worksheets to go along with them. And Maybe read silently.

Anonymous said...

should read out loud

Anonymous said...

I like having in class discussions and watching slide shows and movies. I like working as a class. I don't like partners but groups are good.

Anonymous said...

I think we should do more projects in class but not home. I think we should watch more movies with oprah.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion we should watch movies and do group work so we can share our ideas.

Anonymous said...

Im hoping for the rest of the year we can watch a lot of movies and take quizes on them that way its an easy grade. Also I like to do things on the computers like watch powerpoints or videos again like we did of Elie Wielsel I found that very interesting. Um...also I liked how we did the posters that was a very easy grade also. I think it would be fun to play a jeopardy game sometime too.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking we should do some group work cause that would get us to share our ideas.

Anonymous said...

I think the movie idea was a good idea. Taking clips and redoing them. I don't really care how or what we do with the movie just make it somewhat challenging but easy enough to do. No Journaling unless it is short.

Anonymous said...

i would like to do imovies and powerpoints

Anonymous said...

I kinda think we should have a lot of options. Like, most people said they wanted to make an "I-movie", maybe you can have an alternate option. Maybe writing something or acting something out. I just think that maybe we should have more choices. Some of the students may not be as "into" making I-movies as others.

Anonymous said...

I think we should do more power points and i movies.

Anonymous said...

I think we should watch some movies then then we can write about a 5 sentence response on it.

Anonymous said...

Imovie-partner work.

Anonymous said...

i think that we could read books to some shakesphere but once we are done we should watch the movie.

Anonymous said...

I think we should watch more movies and make i movies about the storys

Anonymous said...

I think that it would be a good idea to act out the parts of hamlet, because i get it a lot easier when were in groups doing things together.

Anonymous said...

I wish not be on computers as much because I hate them! I learn more if someone is teaching it to me!

Anonymous said...

I think we should read together, and
when the poetry comes along, I think we could read the book and then watch the movie based on the book.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we should read silenty, I don't understand alot of things when we do. I think we should do more projects on posters I really enjoyed working with a partner, because most of the time we work alone. I also think we should use our computers less i get really confussed.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we should read silenty, I don't understand alot of things when we do. I think we should do more projects on posters I really enjoyed working with a partner, because most of the time we work alone. I also think we should use our computers less i get really confussed.

Anonymous said...

I think that when we read hamlet, we should popcorn read because you seem to pay more attention because you don't know when you are going to be called on. We should also act some of the scenes out when we finish the book so that we can comprehend what we read.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should watch movies about the books after we read them together.

Anonymous said...

We should have more fun less reading we should do i movies.

Anonymous said...

i think we should keep doing computer work that i fun. we could also do some power points or something.

Anonymous said...

i think for hamlet, we should make a song about it or something else that's really emarassing. mr. vello made us do it last year and it was pretty funny. i also think that when we read to kill a mockingbird and some poems, we should make an imovie involving them.

woowoo ! poopyhead.

Anonymous said...

Personally, i don't like reading silently, but some people might not want to read the WHOLE book as a class. I think we should have an option to act out scenes or not, because a lot of people might want to, but the shier ones might not. Maybe each individual can do their own thing, as long as it is legit to what were reading.

Anonymous said...

Well, reading can be boring. But there is ways to make it fun, like acting it out, or reading in groups i think things like that will be great. I like poetry, but it can be tricky.

Anonymous said...

Last year in English class we read the play Romeo and Juliet, the play was nice and all but I think it would be easier to understand if it was made to be understood by a teenagers mind. Cause last year it was really hard to understand because we always didn't read the same time. Sometimes we read the resived play and sometimes we didn't. I like reading silenty, and as a whole class. After we finish reading the play it would be really neat to make an i movie so then may-be if we really didn't understand a part in the play and we acted it out it would make it a whole lot easier for us to understand.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think that we should do them similar to how we did Night. I was able to understand and enjoy the book and i thought it was easy to learn from.